Put Your Mask😷 on First

You know them. Those supportive types. The helpers, the caregivers🥰, the dungeon healers. They seem to have no limits to how much they can give. Or at least others may think so…I bet you help people too and like me you know we all have limits. In the state of our world in 2021, most of us are stretched a little thin–caregivers most of all. 😓 There is this feeling…of wanting to help until we have nothing left.

“My battery is on low; I’ll start to recharge after I help 10 more people.” 😒

*Buzzer Blast: 💥💥WRONG ANSWER! 👎
Please retry: “Umm…7 minutes of stillness now?”
*Buzzer: Ding ding ding! RIGHT ANSWER! 😍

I used to think for ages the right answer was to take care of everyone before myself–no matter my state😩. Then I realized I had to take care of myself first. What I really need is a hot bath…A quiet coffee…a buffet🤤. What I really need is a (FILL IN THE BLANK). 🌴

You know what they always say on every ✈airplane? “Please put on your oxygen mask before you help others…that includes your kids.” *Gasp *shock😲 *horror! That runs completely counter to our protective instincts to help our loved ones first. Still, a drowning person cannot save another drowning person.

We must care about 😘ourselves enough to do the things that we know we need in our order to be the amazing support for those around us we were meant to be. That can be whatever you want it to.

I love to feed people. And I am a great cook…when I’m not hangry…aka well fed. 🍕 I arrive balanced and prepared to cook my people what they want.

My support people listen up!

You are Sooo 😍 important!

You might be supporting 1 other or many. Your people need you. Your people need you at your best–well fed. You stumble because of lack of eating🥗. You stumble because of lack of sleep🥱😪 or depriving yourself a few precious centering minutes before the chaos of the day. So please take care of yourself first! 🦉We’re counting on you!

Images Credit: https://modernnurse.com/put-your-own-mask-on-first/

