Crew in the 👑Crown

Limited time, ⏳hour glass sand, forever call me Pan

2-Can-Sam, I’ll eat green eggs and ham

Crew in the 👑crown

Quiet mostly, rarely make a sound, when others around

5-ish mains, a solid dungeon 🎊party🥳

Mage sage, sci-fi 🤓👨🏽‍🔬scientist, void of emotions, smooth as lotion

Evolved form 🧙🏽‍♂️???

Step up, change up, no time to mourn

Lose less than a penny for rivers of gold

The 🧒🏽young one comes and goes

Fun elastic elated fantastic joy 😄 explodes from the chest

Gotta catch’em all; Be the best

Forever young, fun loving, big kind heart💗

Evolved form: 🐵Rafiki wisdom, laughter, no scorn

Dance, sing, seer of signs, reader of dust

Eater of crust / sandwich whole

😎Mr. man, play boy, Tony the 🐯Tiger

Almost always kind (no interest in fights, only defending others)

Smooth 😉sexy east coast streets

Chill cucumber, broad shoulders, thick confidence

Con man once upon a time, no more greasy grind

Share and give. No stealing / crime 🦹‍♂️

Gaggle of girls💋💋 sing his praises, always sure, never jaded, forever desired

Sometimes faded, enjoying luxury lion life his way

He can tell you to “fuck off” and still mean “I love you”

Evolved form: ⚕Pharaoh

Godly masculinity, brutal / broad–never narrow

Born to rule, confidence, divine

Low ruble laughing / lounging♌

Strong aura, many blown back, bow

There is no win for the ⚕pharaoh

He is it, He won long ago

Deep in the 🩸blood river of the past

Always full strength, never half mast

🙇🏽‍♂️Privilege his presence

The space is his, wherever he is

👽Otherworldly, yet more real than the rest

All who come before him feel his weight

A glorious being, a glorious way🌟

A thousand servants /A thousand slaves /A thousand slain by hand

🥱He does not care; Always his age, always his way

Ultimate masculine power does not kneel or cower