A little behind…

In the 🌃dream world


Landscape curls, Inception

Things beyond words / worlds

Cannot describe or mention

A pirate, a mongoose, the king, a galactic fighter

I’m a boat made of water strings

A Van Gogh painting

Extreme dreams, fainting

Don’t wait another day

To walk🚶🏽‍♀️ the path

To jog the path

To run🏃🏽‍♀️ the path

Part of me feels a little behind…

Give or take a decade

A thousand plus pages

But who’s counting…

I’ll do what I can to make up for lost time

🙏🏽Thank God I’m me

That can actually be

Failure to launch

Sitting on my haunches

Not doing much

Then I stand up / blast off!

So fast you lose your lunch

Light on my feet

Keep everything neat

Sweet words spill from candied🍭 lips

Don’t bite your lip

I’ll do that for you