It feels as if our world spins faster and faster. Our To-Do lists continuously get longer and longer. We try and squeeze every last moment out of our lives for “productive” efforts. We are taught: Don’t “waste,” not a moment to rest. Not a moment to be still…Stillness is a waste after all right? It’s only an empty space that should be filled with work or play? You know what they say: idol hands are the devils playground…but what do they say about idol minds? Lots actually…Allowing ourselves to be truly still in our day is actually good. When I say “still” I mean fully off off… not “off” in the sense of endless scrolling through Twitter or Facebook; We’re talking as still in body and mind as we can muster. Stillness is a great stress relief, though also surprisingly prepares us for tasks soon to be complete…it’s like our brains and bodys need a little stand by time each day to workout the problems and puzzles…Not to mention it’s mega peaceful to just zone out in the middle of the day. I try and allow stillness multiple times a day in those calm moments and minutes in between tasks. I used to feel I needed to be forever occupied. Now I allow stillness; Allowing this inner silence is now one of my top choices. Hmm…what should I do? I know! Nothing. Give stillness a try for a couple moments or like I do for 7 minutes at a time…you’ll notice a difference I promise.