A giant chest opened yesterday.
The puzzle 🧩 lock, a complicated one.
Staring me in the face my whole life.
The treasure: A simple understanding.
3️⃣ requirements for use: be still, let go, be brave.
To be of so many people.
To be of so many things.
Both 🙏🏽blessing and 😩curse.
The ultimate Swiss army knife.
Cut cut slice slice
What a fucking life…
Being pulled in 10 directions.
7 I’ll avoid like the plague.😷
Most of the time, I prefer the void.
🌌Empty space between things.
To be of everything and nothing at the same time.
I used to be annoyed
By the silence
By the stillness.
Now I know the void is the closest I will get to eternity.✨
Alive anyway…