Blah Blah Blah

Blah blah blah🥱
In the head
Birth til ☠death
Laid to rest
Tell me you what you’re worth
Criticize, stigmatize, demonize 
Who would want to read minds?
Past and future their only time
Find a balance
Mind at rest☮ is best
Amazing tool chest
Overactive mind addiction
Blaring 🔊 radio
Shut the hell up
Pipe the fuck down
Consciousness going underground
All quiet🔇
Resounding sigh
King of Versailles
Most minds don’t comply
Unruly undisciplined kids
Left to run loose
At all times
Whose mind is this?
Ops it’s yours😒, Endless encore
Wishing for shores of the East
To get away from mind play
If you only knew
You are not your mind
Just a tool🛠
Beware the mind
Rule it or it rules you
Judgmental as they come
Too many thoughts😣 overrun
One lasting peace the mind finds
Truth hidden in plain 👀sight


Now is the time
Now is your time
Now is mine

Our respite, our salvation
☔Raincoat from the mind ⛈storm
Mind at rest
Mind your tool, your servant🤵
5th of November

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