A beautiful promise
A new day🌞
A new way
So much, yet nothing to say
This place, far more than words
Enemies for the birds
Not me, humanity my family🥰
Could be friends near or far
Live, be, evolve, transcend
Easy right?
Some get stuck
Try as I might to express
But a spec of all this
Taking it all in
Nature, the gentle pull to just be
Sit out back
I don’t often, but I feel like it
We are multitudes🌌
Beyond systems and habits built
All important, every moment
Lots happen in a day
A week
To dance and flow
To dip, be and change
Call to the wild🦁
Call to adventure
Intending and not intended
Love, notice, observe
Without judgement
In the face of all
Human spirit meant to✨ rise