I produce 💩💩

Y’all consume

Crunch crunch*

I produce

💩Poop 💩poop*

No choice

No comparison

No criticism

We’re all different

🥰Love my brothers and sisters

No schism

Fuller and fuller

Little miss–no dish dissing

Fulfilled wishes

A lot of kisses

Tons of misses

To be expected

No rejection–acceptance

Who needs to finish ascendance?

Did I mention…

I haven’t a care in the 🌎world

I love the universe

She slides pearls in me pocket

Don’t know much

Ain’t knocking it

Her knockers it

Feed an army of babies

Or just me te-hee

🤔Why trip on sexuality?

Chill out

Live and let bang

Life my ocean

My rushing river

For others a sieve

Open to the universe

🌌Universe opens to thee