😥I’m sorry

Saying “I’m sorry” (and meaning it) is underrated and underappreciated. I feel I don’t say it enough properly🙅🏻‍♀️. Saying “I’m sorry” is a humbling act. Perhaps that’s why a lot of people aren’t saying it much anymore…”I’m sorry” is an acknowledgment that I made a mistake and am not perfect🙅🏻‍♀️. Stepping outside of our well curated personas takes a certain amount of self awareness and self refection🤔💭. I put my pride to the side. Some may consider admitting wrong demeaning🙉; I don’t think so. Humbling yes, demeaning no. I make countless mistakes everyday (though not generally in relation to other people). Yesterday I did hurt someone😥 and said “I’m sorry,” which motivated me to write this today. I wrong myself too and maybe it would be healing and healthy to apologize to myself more often. It might be good for me. It might be cathartic. Saying “I’m sorry” when I work myself too hard or treat myself poorly😡. Those are good reasons to apologize to myself.

“I’m sorry” is commonly misused too. When a person says “I’m sorry,” after misfortune happens to a friend, but at no fault of their own–that’s misuse🙊. I understand the sentiment; I feel sympathy😘 for my friend that bad thing happened to them. That time (at least) it wasn’t my fault, so I don’t need to make amends. I used to say sorry constantly, to everyone, for their woes. Then for a while I stopped saying “I’m sorry” all together, even when I was at fault. I felt it made me weak😩. I was weak, but it had nothing to do with saying “I’m sorry.” Being able to say “I’m sorry” and meaning it radiates strength. Now, I’m trying to apologize🙂 properly. Trying to recognize when I wrong another person (or myself). I do what I can to make it right. I learn as much as possible from my mistake, then move on (as emotionally completely as possible). There is no reason🙈 or need to a wallow once I’ve done the work. Anyways, back to walking on 💧water…

Images Credit: https://tonygentilcore.com/2020/03/words-use-matter/sad-puppy/
