I’ve worked hard to be my way
Build my way
Curious and fun, though not always easy
Better overtime
In true Micky fashion:
Extra energy/time = more/more
🥳Win win win!
Encore! Encore!
Desiring accolades, tangibles, applause
Out of the claws of death
Resting–but not in peace–not yet
So many miles to go before bed
Read a thousand 📚books about the soul of the world
They speak of the pull of gravity;
Of the heart
More going on than we know, a start
Tom Bombadil listened to the first lark chirp
When all was honey and freshness, no hurt
Then I had to 😬squirt in her eye…
She was mad–not like she wanted to cry
She liked to control all, including air supply
Why desire for total control?
It’s not me
The only control I cherish is my own;
Control of self; personal power
All the time, on the hour
Control of my life
My destiny😎