I like to make lists…Alooooooooooooooooot! I make lists for everything. I make lists for groceries I want to buy. I make lists for gifts I want to give. I make lists for presents I want to receive. I make lists for travel (there is a different list for domestic travel vs international). I make lists of things I know my friends and family like cuz my memory is short. I make lists of books I want to read…I’ve never read more and my list keeps growing at a semi-enjoyable / semi-distressing pace. There was The Great Book-List Reunion or should I say The Great Book-List Unification. Imagine 10 years ago you created a book list. Then 9 years ago you put that list folder in another folder because you were so excited about all the new books! You don’t bother combining the lists from the previous year with the new. The thing is the same thing happens 8 years ago…So at this point you have a list within a list within a list. I shit you not–I had 7 to 10 years of book lists one within another within another. And with The Great Unification all my lists of books became one! Gasp! Shock! Awe! I can’t tell you how satisfying it was to combine all my book lists…It took me a while too…I probably could have read a book (a short one), in the time it took to finish The Great Unification. In the end, it was all worth it! I now have a clear thought on the main books I want to read next. You’re probably like, “You’re fucking nuts!” To that I have two things to say: 1) “Duh…Read my web domain” 2) “Lists make me unreasonably happy.” 3) “Lists keep me from giving up on the human race.” My math isn’t great, but you get the idea. I love lists and that’s probably never going to change.