Money doesn’t make God

Break barriers

Stop spending on bullshit and aircraft carriers

Bombing plastic bottle wood plank boats


Bullshit and you know!

Nothing worse than intelligent idiots

Drunk on power from great grand father

They were just trying to make it through

Simple cobblers, farmers too

Raising alarms, ignored

Dancing on sinking ship, Titanic

No need to panic

Slowly cooked frogs

Nazi’s on meth

Get the fuck out!

I don’t trust y’all

Stomping on the flowers

The cute and the weak

You think you can sneak in plain sight forever?

Fuck you and go to hell!

Lighting up this place

Wars, nobody wins

But a few rich fat bastards

Plague don’t read my scratch

Too busy playin grab ass

Grabber no grabby!

You think you can’t be dethroned?

Keep dreaming!

A Wise once said, “No matter how great the tyrant, they all fall in the end.”

Sins weighed down, bodies and blood

Redemption is possible (maybe)

Let it go, be kind, share

I do not know

Can’t compare signs

1 got a little dirt on nose

Another lets loose oil spill, lasting generations

Money doesn’t make God

No matter how golden or gilded

Wings clipped in the end

Straight down to h-e-double hockey stick

I’d spit, but moisture ain’t free

No shoving silver spoon any further

None shit gold–get real!

For some, stench is applause