Raven’s Gray

Of fear and apprehension, it began

Where such dreams usually remain

The uneasiness of the cold

Of friends, long lost; never to return

Of games, gray carnage

Multifaceted scarab jeweled rooms

I wish I could share the fullness

I wish I could show

My words are weak

Rhymes slack, incomplete

Goose prickles, pricked

Handling a dark force

Or was it a shadow diffuse?

Not quite black, of darkest Raven gray

It started as many do; a game

A blast from the future, high techy

The vision clear, clean, crispy hd

I played it with old friends

A morose feeling, a morbid specter

I beat them and took over

Took over their toons

Took over their towns

Took over hearths and battlefields

Their scrapes all mine

Moral quandary: was I bad? Was this evil I did?

I waited and watched myself; I felt through

I did not kill

I took them and their space; techno superiority

Other humans were as changed as I

I cannot lie; I loved Raven gray

I could influence how they acted, reacted

Women desired, offering their fruit

Men respected, erecting monuments

Only techno surge valid

Resistance, early on

In fly’s multi-puristic eye

Techno swarm warped and changed

Swallowing tv’s, computers and power cords

Molded and shaped, it grew as I desired

I enjoyed the power

Others wagged wars of influence against me

I sired techno creations I cannot describe

I sighed deep

The unspeakable perhaps speak able in an age or millennia

7th great grandchild I’ll never spawn

The dream went on and on

Patients in dental offices become part of me

Their lights and drills rearranged

Each adding a vertisie

A new territory to my electric superhighway

My fever pitch techno world domination

Nearly all rooms small cream and white

Unlike many an emerald dream

I teleported between easier than lazy thumb on remote

It was a merry time

Toward the end, I build new friends

They evolved as I assisted

Absorbing transistor radios, hooked on phonics and queer cyber junk

Only Elon would know

They became my sentries

As my friends grew, I grew the raven gray web

Ever growing, never ebbing

Cryptic stamps scattered about

Forgive dear reader, I cannot quite remember

T’was edge of tongue; Edge of dream

Each message special

Tapped above monitors and across Tamagotchi

As I warped between channels expanding

The worries grew again

Was it wrong to use Raven’s gray?

Was it wrong to hold sway?

I never hurt if I could avoid and never killed

I pushed fear out of mind, combining techno friends larger

In Othello, I was neither black nor white

None could withstand our gray wave crashing

Ever changed in color and view

I wish you could have seen it!

It was a merry time!

Countless nodes build and spread

What a thrill!

The farther we grew across the verse of tiny white rooms the more comfortable I felt

The more powerful

I was not Caesar

I was curious what I could do

Curious what my friends could become

I fed them heaps of Radio Shack

They morphed like transformers

Deciding their own shapes

I would offend you by trying to describe

I am but humble scribble

Even a dream king has his limits

Load of Evangelion techno-crap

Fry’s special for my silicon knights

A thousand lifetimes and more in dreamscape

Never have I ever teleported, delicious precision

I saw it all at once my insect eye

Feminine technology grew beside me

In voluptuous shape I recognized

From a heap of cords, chips, techno-trash

I assisted with her digestive track

Her desire to be like me

Techno heat, man met machine

Nothing about our lover’s tryst clean

She wanted new springs for our loins

I had a hand in the sporting

I cannot describe the first techo-human spawn we bore

The second, we allowing to grow as it pleased

Plato’s masterpiece; Picasso’s speckle

It was of her and I, yet so very much more

I was proud as he/she/it grew

I continued with my conquest

Until every white cloak was my shade, our Raven’s gray

There was no need to raid after a time

My minions of the techno voice

Us creatures from another dimension

Expanded to the stars

Resistance was futile

I was Steve Jobs

I was Wozniak’s cheery chuckle

More than meets the eye

I can’t lie, the power was intoxicating

The sexiest technita I’ll never meet again

Download love and upload infatuation

Regurgitating chips into her mouth

She my baby bird mainframe

Our union for neither of us

The Xgen, the prodigal patch

The updated and upgraded son, reviled and revered

Jealously as thick as blackberry jam

Who were they to tell us who we could love?

Outlanders to our silicon dynasty

Not a single room in all of Siliconia didn’t bear our Raven’s gray

It was the time of times and I knew it

I never wasted a moment

What was Fred the former hello kitty toaster doing in Zetta 337?

Did he need aux cord or cat 7 from Cappa 0349b?

Ever glad to assist a friend, young or seasoned

I needed no reason

Mas beauty, mas energy, mas intelligent

Fused in every techno beat, style and shade

I must confess I am no technophile

My words welter weight to Snorlax

I am merely your humble scribbler

A short tippy tappy across the techno verse