Ready Position!

A guiding philosophy of my life I call “Ready Position.” In my Ready Position everything is clean, simple, organized and together (as much as possible). In simple terms, that means dishes are cleaned as often as I can do them. My apartment stays clean and my laundry too. The ready position philosophy goes far beyond cleaning though. It is a reminder for me not to put off for tomorrow what can and (often) should be completed today. I don’t wait until tomorrow to send my inner circle peps messages telling them interesting things I learned today and letting them know I care. I don’t wait to update my schedule for my future plans. I don’t wait to do that thing I’ve been a little apprehensive about. In fact, any task I am even a little nervous about tends to move right to the top of my priorities list. I’d rather get uncomfortable tasks taken care of first and be relaxed with whatever else I am trying to do. I’ll admit I sometimes take my Ready Position philosophy to the extreme…like so many other things in my life XD. I’ll nitpick stuff and maybe obsess about little things that most people wouldn’t. I view everything in life as a combination of little things. Some little things matter more than others. If I take care of as many little things as possible in my regular day the best generally happens. On the flip side, if something bad happens, I’m as ready as I can be to focus it. Ready position has lots of benefits and no drawback I can see. Are you in your Ready Position?