Bites, gigabits, terabits, meta-knights
So much bullshit
So many flights
Private jets get girls wet
Who knows when the sun🌅 will set?
Who the fuck is driving this crazy bus?
2-Can-Sam’s got a plan
Unknown out of hand
Spammed, 1k notifications an hour, don’t matter
Call me the mad hatter
Modern life crazy
Singing praises🤲🏽 of software engineers
They don’t know either…
Playing our youth
Playing us like casinos
Explain how this leads to utopia?
When we let the fox guard the chickens
No wonder mental illness is up…
Shinola piling up
7 horcruxes not enough to save you from pollution
How to clean the air and humanity’s heart?
I know not…
Why I write✍🏽 and write✍🏽
Hope to strike gold before I am too old to care or despair
I despair now…
How did we get here?
Who choose this?
And who continues to steer?
Give me a list of names!
I’ll leer
King, fuck your crown👑
Clickily clack, smash down down
Smiles and sunshine over frown