🗣Talk 2 Yourself

You’d be surprised how much you get used to something. I lived alone for 6 months and got used to the solitude🤫. I was alone probably at least half the week, outside of going to the gym or shopping (introvert 🌴 paradise). Now that I’m staying with others for several months, I’m fairly used to being around others. 😉Still, I often wish I was fully alone in the house (nothing against my housemates). I feel more comfortable to talk things out alone and just be me. Yesterday, I had time to be alone. 🎉Fuck-Tabulous! Then last night (though I wasn’t fully alone) I felt super comfortable to talk stuff out in the privacy of my room. I recorded🎙 my contemplation and random digressions. I’m so happy I did! Listening to my recording only 12 hours later, I realize I forgot😆 most of what I said…oh the glory and tribulations of a short memory XD. In a semi unconscious way, that’s why I’m probably such list📃 fiend / maniac…Anyways, I love how last night went! I talked stuff out for over an hour. As I spoke, I listened, 🤓observed, felt, laughed😂, and cried🤧 a little…I heard amazing, intelligent, eloquent, sexy things, warmth, madness and so much more. I’d love to talk things out a couple times a week. It was Sooooooo affirming–feeling I am really headed in the right direction🧭. Starting with my own thoughts <generally>, refining them, then sharing with others, is a better way for me.

Try talking to yourself in the mirror or with your eyes closed. Allow any strange feelings to pass and you’ll discover what a 😍great speaker–and listener you are 🥰

Images Credit: http://www.cathymcclelland.com/images/Animals/lg_raven_reflecion.jpg
