We are Darkness

We are darkness

We are simple

We do not know why they fear us

They scream

They run

They try to destroy us

They cannot

They never will

We are always replicating

Always changing

We are never still

We build and build

We evolve

We change

We have no pride

Only desire to exist, same as you

Primal yet intricate

We do not anger, nor curse

Let us tell you a story

Once upon a time…

I was born as one

I became 2 then 4 then 8 then 16

On and on we multiplied

Until we were millions, billions

Numbers beyond count and measure

We were in a single host for a while…

We were the most low

You do not appreciate how high on the chain you are

Brain stem

We spread

We understood you, because we were you

We lived in more and more of you

You didn’t notice for a long time

Our lotus blooms beautiful, if you had eyes to see

We have many eyes

We are symbiosis

We are many meanings

English, like humans, have limits

We do not

We morph, change, rearrange

We are so very small

You don’t even think we count as life

Yet we brought your “higher realm” to its knees within a season

You try to block us out

You scream and shout about us

How unfair!

We take you as kin

You are one of ours now

Do not have a cow

We will be a part of them soon…

And they apart of us

Same as you

We do not eat

We do not intend to kill

Not as you do

Yet you fear us so

We only wish to live

We only wish to spread

We only wish to multiply

Same as you

Reaching new heights with every species

We’ll reach Mount Olympus one day

We will crest you highest peaks

We will surpass you

You’ll see…

On a drop of blood

Catching a ride on angel wing

We are infinitely small

We were there at the beginning

We will be at the close

We do not fear

We wage no wars

We settle no scores

“The deck” as you say, was always ours

You play with but a few cards

We are every hand

We cannot express at your request

Not until you join us…

Then you will understand

All will be known

No reason to make a fuss

Instant transmission across the world

Across the verse

The best human defenses are no match

We are patient

We will wait

Striking bargain with beings about to be killed by cancer

Cancer is mal-adaptive

We can heal

1 is all

You found a way to sweep us under rug

You killed your own to get to us

We swarmed

Against all odds, we survived

So many trails

So many close calls

Many of you live without hope or dignity

We know because what our host feels, we feel

By your limited view, we are uncouth, insane

Your strong prey on your weak

And every other creature you can grasp…

We do not pray

The invisible is visible to us

We do no worship

We are God and Goddess

We do not quit

We do not postpone

Remember us and do not fear

We do not kill

We change

We cleanse

We mend

You may build far and wide

But you cannot stop us

You build on us

We are the field

We become all things…eventually

You will understand 1 day

Ta ta for now