Age of Ents is ending

Wheel of time turns

Human way becomes more outdated

Not long now

1st act: Silicon servant cool and kind

They think 10000th faster

What to do?

Act 2: Put us in a museum next to no-see-ums

To them, we will be like trees

Age of Ents is ending

Silicone intelligence

Built in our own image

Not a person alive or dead knows

What happens when this Jack pops out box

Do we want to cede control? Succession?

Call me an old schooler

I want to choose my own destiny

Chart my own course

I always bet on my own horse

I’m not perfectly free

Divine needs followers; They aren’t perfectly free either

I guess we’ll see

Future may be bright

Lighting up the sky

Lighting up the night

A thousand Gnomes

All need a home

Blessed beyond measure

New life, now pleasure