Filled with ups🙄, downs😿

Around abouts

Much goes on, life flows on, and on and on…

🤩Spawning new ideas / new things / new beings🧚🏽‍♀️

Beautiful multicolored wings

Here we is

Once, for a short time⌛

Soon onto the South-Lands (and beyond)

Time to be

💪🏽Disciplined day, Gucci gang

🔊Transmit signals, cut out noise

No better time than here

No better time the now

Live that dream

👨🏽‍🎤Sing that song

Write that story🐱‍👓

😍Love what you do

Agents of evolution, revolution, change

Change yourself / allow the world

One of many reasons

Thing🌾 builds upon thing🍞 builds upon thing🍕

Step beyond chance, circumstance

What flows🌫 through me flows🌫 through you

Flows🌫 through all

No BS, no fuss🚫

Real deal Ally Mcbeal

Stand as well as knell

New paths🛣 congeal